As John Maxwell states, "Leadership is influence." I would agree with this 100%. Leadership is the ability to empower other people to accomplish something.
After listening to Evan Schaefer's presentation on Thursday, I realized his experiences in HS equipped him with abilities, skills and the confidence to take risks in college. I noticed his list of leadership positions in college and graduate school extended above the average involvement of a typical college student.
Use each day as an opportunity to deliberately influence someone who crosses your path and better the lives of other people in and outside of your program.
Who is someone who has had influence in your life?
For me, it was Jim Probst. A HS Coach who inspired me through his constant example of excellence in all that he did. I was greatly impressed with his amazing athleticism but it was his faith, character and leadership that inspired me the most. His influence has forever shaped my vision in life.
The influence that has the most impact on my life would be from Mr. Malloy, without his encouragement I would not be the person I am today, he encouraged me to apply to be a district officer and I managed to get the position. By being a district officer I know have the courage to speak in front of thousands of people, which I would not have even considered doing years before. I think this has also helped me in my involvement in other organizations.
ReplyDeleteThe person that has had the most influence on my life would have to be coach Schlabaugh. He has made me a better basketball player by echouraging me and he has opened up opportunities for me to get baetter.
ReplyDeleteThe person who had the most influence in my life has been Jessica. Since were were little I grew up loving horses and farm life with me and she taught me how to stay positive in everything. The most obvious influence she had over me was me learning that I wanted to become a Pediatric Intensive Care Nurse. I wouldn't have decided to go into nursing without her getting sick, and that sometimes brings guilt upon me. While she was at the U she was always very thankful, she would thank a nurse or doctor for coming to check in on her, and seeing someone being grateful in their sickest moments really humbles and influences someone. All the positive things Jessica has taught me and the things she influenced me to do is why I can safely name her as the most influential person in my life.
ReplyDeleteI don't really know what to comment on, but I'll say a few words on some great leaders. When I think of a great leader, the name Muhammad Ali emerges. I've seen many of his fights on dvd and the sort, and he's the greatest no doubt. But as you get to see more of his regular life and talking, you'll see some true humor. Ali was a very funny guy and everyone respected him for it. He was charismatic and also very truthful. You could even say he was humble, even though he was a showoff in public. But that was for fun, for his fans and his opponents. He had a great work ethic, when he did something, he did it to the best of his ability. After his great career, he worked as a diplomat for the UN. What this has to do with leadership is that he influenced many people to be like him. Even though you can't be the person you're imitating, you can imitate the idea of that certain trait - maybe it's humbleness, passion, or humor. I say this because that's what leadership is, the influencing of others.
ReplyDeleteMs. O'Connor has really had alot of influence on me through softball and school. I remember when we were in junior high and she would recognize players from sports during lunch so that everybody got to see who did well. I also remember that during softball games for Blaze, no matter if we lost or won, we always would pick like 3 people from the other team and award them for being a good player or for great sportsmanship for the game and we gave them little pins that said blaze on them. I always thought that was really cool because it reminded people that sportsmanship was valued. In practice she also taught us to not give up. If you would mess up in a grounder drill, most people would go to the end of the line before we had her as a coach. After we had her, we were taught to say "can i have another" and you can always tell who those players were because they still do it today. She has greatly influenced many of us to try our hardest, never give up, and to show character on and off the field.
ReplyDeleteThe person that has really influenced my life is my brother Casey. He is always positive and works hard at everything he does. He has been through many tough times but stayed positive no matter what the situation. He has just taught me to never give up and fight for what i really want. After learning that i now try not to complain because i know somebody is going through worse times than me and they still get through it, as he did.
ReplyDeleteThe person that has had the most influence on my life is probably Eric Nygren, my pastor. He has encouraged me through the toughest times. When I first applied at camp, he supported me financially as well as other ways. Last fall when I took an online Bible class, he was there willing to take time to help me understand the materials and how to apply it to my life. He has also led me other ways spiritually. Encouraging me to read books to further my knowledge on tough subjects. Last Sept. he also put me incharge of Operation Christmas Child. I didn't think I could handle leading it for the entire church, but we ended up doing better than ever before. He had faith in me and knew that I could do it.
ReplyDeleteThe person who has had the greatest influence in my life would be my grandpa. Ever since I was little he taught me right from wrong. He encouraged me in everything i did and he was always there if i needed anything, even up to his last days. Even though he suffered from Alzheimers, it didn't stop him from living his life and helping others. He was always willing to do whatever he could to help someone in need. He was a great man who taught me so much
ReplyDeleteI hate to be redundant, but I will also say, that, my, pastor, has influenced, me. He loves commas. No, but with more seriousness, he gives me a model of how to live my life, and every Sunday teaches me
ReplyDeletemore about myself and what steps I need to take. In very few one-on-one meetings with him, it has seemed that I have gained years of valuable insight into how I should be living my life and continuing to grow.
The person who has had the most influence on my life is my sister, Laura. She is there for me whenever i need her. She knows what I am going through and is strong through the tough times we've faced. I look up to her in everything I do. She always has faith and confidence in me.
ReplyDeleteThe person that has influenced me, would be my grandparents. They are always there for me whenever I need them. They're also very supportive and believe in me. They also have great attitude and encouragement all the time; but most importantly, they help me through tough times.
ReplyDeleteMy dad has been a big influence on me. He has always been a hard worker. He always gives his best in a situation, no matter what the circumstances. Even with all the work he does, he still finds time to spend with his kids.
ReplyDeleteI would have to say my dad. I have spent the most quality time with him. He always leads by example and when I have a negative attitude; he helps turn that around. I think it is huge when you are a leader to keep everyone around you positive and being able to take on adversity
ReplyDeleteMrs. Miller is one of the many people who have influenced my life significantly. She encouraged me to get involved and strive to learn more and do my best. With her help I have reached several great and hard sought accomplishments. Most of what I have learned throughout high school on how to be a leader was from her influence in my life. She has a great faith, loves her family, is dedicated to her job, is well accomplished, determined, and she is someone I can rely on. I have worked my entire high school career to hopefully be a student she can be proud of---She has obviously had an impact in my life.
I have had so many people who have influenced my life in great, positive ways!! It is so hard to pick just one, and to be honest, I am trying to decide between a few. I am going to say my parents have equally influenced my life in awesome, fantastic ways. My dad encourages me to shoot for my dreams and never to give up. My mom is sometimes a little more practical and can help me to accomplish them along with my dad. I can't pick between either, because they both equally fill eachothers weaknesses. It is awesome to say that I have fantastic parents, and they are leaders by not only words but, most of all, example. I would be so lost without my parents, because I always turn to them for the advice or help I need. They are always there and always ready to give an honest, helpful, encouraging answer. They have impacted my life so much!!
The most influential person in my life is my mom, hands down. Not only is she my best friend, but she's a role model and a hero to me. She has had so many experiences, good and bad, and her wisdom amazes me. I have never met anyone with a kinder heart or more compassion for people. I am inspired by her strength. One thing she has always told my sisters and I is to fight for what we believe in. Stand up for what's right, and never back down. I think it takes a strong person to actually follow through with that, but there have many instances where she has taken on rather large battles, just to follow through with what she believes in. There has never been a moment where I wasn't able to count on my mom being there for me. She's seen me at my strongest and weakest times, and no matter the circumstances I know she's always here. All of these qualities and millions more are the reasons for why she influences me. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be anywhere close to the person I am today.
ReplyDeleteThe person who has had the most influence on my life would be my sister. She is always there for whenever i need something or need help. She gives me advice and has worked very hard to where she is today and is going to be successful in whatever she does.
ReplyDeleteMy mom has had the most influence on my life. She is a hardworking single mom who has taught me a lot. She has taught me to treat people with respect and to work for what I want. My mom has inspired me to do the best I can in everything I do.
ReplyDeleteI would have to say my mom has been the most influential person in my life. She has had a rough life, but she hasn't let it get to her. She always has a positive attitude and a smile on her face. She is a very hardworking person that always does what is needed if not more. She has taught me to never let the tough times get to me and to always have a positive attitude.
ReplyDeleteMy father had had the most influence in my life. I have always looked up to him. He provides me with great examples on how to live right and what to do in stressful situations. My dad always has great advice for me in any given situation. He is a great leader.
My mom has had the most influence on my life. Although we butt heads and fight a lot she's also my biggest supporter. I know that she would do anything for me. She has taught me a lot of great leadership qualities. She always encourages me to pursue my dreams and this has helped me with many things throughout my life.
ReplyDeleteThere are many people who have influenced my life. Growing up, I dont know what I would have done without Evan Schaefer, Brad Knoop, or Brittni Ealy. They taught me to always respect everyone, no matter the situation and to always give a 100% effort in everything I do.
ReplyDeleteAlso, a speech given by Wartburg basketball coach Oliver Drake has influenced my attitude. He taught us as leaders to always give every ounce of energy and effort we have because others will follow our examples. He taught us to always respect authority's decisions and to do everything we can to see that their plan is accomplished. Also, he taught us to always think of others. No matter how bad our situation is, there is always someone out there whose situation is more difficult or who is having a tougher time than we are.
If i had to choose a leader in my life I would have to pick my father. The reason this impacts me so much is because he effected my life even though he died from lung cancer when i was at the age of 3. You could say that i didnt even know him but you would be wrong. I have had to go off storied of other people in my family and the people that knew him. When i first started to learn about my father i had so many mixed emotions it was truely overwhelming. I heard about how much love he had for my mother and I and with the life complication of cancer that would take his life he had faith in God and put trust into the bible. He was the first person that taught me how to swing a golf club and with out that i dont think i would be on the golf team today. I also heard about his work ethic and how much he tried to get things done the right way. He is an important leader to me because he didnt try to help himself but tried to help others like me and his co-workers. That is what i think a leader truely is.
ReplyDeleteThere have been many people that have influenced what I do and how I act today. One person that really has had the most influence on me was my grandpa. My grandpa was the kind of person that never yelled and I think that is where I get my calm demeanor from. My grandpa never complained. If something was wrong, he wouldn't focus on the problem and everything was wrong, but he would focus on how to fix the problem.
ReplyDeleteI remember one day he and I were sitting at the dinner table and he looked in the bottom of the glass before he poured himself a drink, and saw that the bottom of the glass wasn't completely clean. he could have easily made a big deal about it like people today would, but instead he looked at me and simply said, "Clean dirt." Then he took the glass to the sink and cleaned it himself and he never said another word about the dirty glass. I think me noticing the small things that he did when I was young made a big difference in my life today.
I am also on the fence about who is the most influential person in my life. I think that if I had to choose I would say my sister, Chloe. She has alwas been there for me. She gives me advice and gets me out of difficult situations. Thanks Chloe
ReplyDeleteSomeone who has greatly influenced my life was Mr. Dameon Place. He worked through my stubbornness and never, ever gave up on me, even when I had given up on myself. He gave me advice and worked with me on life issues, and he was very trustworthy. He was the one who broke down my barrier of not trusting anything or anyone. He was (and is) such a talented individual, and he made me want to strive for excellence. His guidance has shaped the way I am today and I am truly grateful for that.
ReplyDeleteThe one person that has a huge influence on my life would be my grandmother. She was always there for me ever since I was little. My grandma told me one thing that I will always live by..."Never give up on yourself and always give more than you have to offer because you have to live with yourself forever; no one else is stuck with you forever." She's totally right, we are the ones to be stuck with the decisions that we make and could possibly change our future. Martina Milder was an amazing woman. :)
ReplyDeleteMy mom has definently influenced my life over the years and has made me into the person I am today. My mom and I have a lot of the simialr qualities and I owe it all to her. She never lets me give up on what I am doing, or involved in.
ReplyDeleteMy dad has influenced me the most. He has always been a hard worker and never puts things off for tomorrow. He always finds time to spend with us and has taught me alot of what i know today
ReplyDeleteMy sister, Amanda, has influenced me the most. She is someone I have always looked up to. I can go to her with anything. The thing that I admire the most about her is her work ethic. She has always worked hard at everything she does, even if it doesn't benefit her. The thing that stood out to me the most was during college she was very active in Dance Marathon. It took up so much of her time, but she did it because she wanted to help someone who didn't have everything she has. Amanda is someone who will always be there for me.
ReplyDeleteMy Grandfather has influenced me the most because he has taught me how to be myself and to never give up on my dreams. One memory that i will never forget is when i was little i was mad at one of my cousins and he took me to the side and said "dont hold on to grudges because they last longer then we do." i apologized to my cousin and we have been close ever since. and it is really cool because my cousins grandpa is my grandpas brother so he saw him in me and thats why he has been a major influence on me.
ReplyDeleteThe big influence in my life was my friend. She believed in what she did, and so she taught me to do. Without any belief you'll never accomplish anything. Set a goal, be self-confident, and don't notice any obstacles.