Sunday, August 29, 2010

Influence Beyond Existence

Imagine what is occurring in the mind of this little girl. If one truly stopped and realized all that could be captured in this monument, one could not walk away influenced by the legacy of President Abraham Lincoln. Put yourself in this little girl's shoes for a moment...

Imagine running a small department store to meet the physical needs of your local townspeople. You just realized you short changed a customer a couple of pennies but the hour is late. Your temptation is to either justify this small mistake, forget about it, wait until tomorrow or find some way to move the small burden on your conscience. Instead, following the closing of the store, you walk to this customer's house (probably at least a mile) to humble yourself, confess your mistake and return the extra change. Your conscience is clear and you can rest peacefully knowing you did the right thing. This is one of many similar testimonies you might read about Abraham Lincoln.

Little did he know that moments like these were the shaping of his future character and leadership. Who better to unit a divided country and begin the end to a bitter, evil war over racism and slavery than Abraham Lincoln? His character, resolutions and leadership had powerful influence in his day and continue to influence all those wishing to be taught by this great leader today.

What "lessons" do teens pass up right now that could be the shaping of their future influence? How can living by principles and resolutions aid in this progress?


  1. sometimes influence can be really good and it can be really bad. an example of bad influence could be if your parents tell give you bad lessons and what not.

  2. the basic doing chores, and striving to be the best is what shapes who you are. and if you don't work hard as a teenager, you won't work hard when you are 30 years old. if you sit around and play video games all day, you are shaping who you are in a negative way. living by the right principles and resolutions will keep us on our toes, and as we talked about, push our limits. so we learn new things, and influence people in a positive way.

  3. Some ways teens pass up influences that could make there life better.

    Like when something bad happens and they blame someone else, or say it didn't happen and hoping no one finds out. Honesty is a big lesson that is missed!
    Helping people. Alot of the time we see it and don't react to it.
    If you live by ethics or moral, you can shape yourself into becoming someone great, and maybe won't make all the mistakes you would if you didn't live by any rules.

  4. I think teens pass up little things. Things like holding doors for people, giving a smile to a random person, or starting a conversation with a new friend. Doing these little things everyday shape your future. They give you communication skills which in the future can help you get a job and start a career. Getting a job will influence others life and yours. For instance creating communication skills will definately help you being a teacher. A teacher influences many peoples lives. Making one right decision can lead to many others which in the end makes an influence.

  5. By ignoring people or not being involved in things people pass up opportunities to influence people. Every single thing that we do has the possibilitiy of influencing others, so we have to make sure that everything that we do will have a positive effect. By having principles we ourselves are already living like we want to, so then we are already insuring that the way we act will have the desired influence on other peoples lives.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. its the little things that most people dont really think about that make a differnce in someones life and maybe influence them to make the better choices and helping people out by waving to a person you dont know, or introducing yourself to someone knew. Those are the little changes in life that are helping others today.

  8. Influence is a big thing. One Serbian author once wrote that young human person is like a wax, in what shape you form it while person is young that is how that person is going to be to the end of their life. I think that realy is true. If you have positive influence on people, you can change their lifes and that is why you always have to try to be a person for example-like a romodel.

  9. I htink teens now days aren't looking at the big picture so they can't help but miss the little things like a smile, holding a door or helping someone they don't even order to get the final picture in a puzzel yiu first have to look at every piece and see how it fits in with the rest of the picture. I think teens these days need to take the time and find were the morals and manners went.

  10. This makes me think of the law of little things. The little things really add up faster than the big things. If teens look like they are doing the right thing but they make what is considered immoral decisions somethimes the little things change a person real fast

  11. i think the buisness man had great morals that wouls dtick out to me greatly in this world today most people would not think anything of that its just a sum of cents it just shows that if your going to have a clean slate you cant have any exceptions all or nothing

  12. The huge influence on an average teen, definetely, has peer group. Our friends, classmates play important role in forming our views and attitudes.
    So, I think it's really important to choose "RIGHT" people to hang out with.

  13. The human's character is used to be influenced on. First by our family, secondly by our friends, thirdly by people who are around. Surely these people should be "good" to influence positivly. But do you think that they are the only persons who influence on you? No, there is one other important person, the most important, and this person is YOU... Every day we influence on ourselves developing the strength of our will...So the most important thing is not to choose "right" people, but to be a "right" person, cause you can influence at least 1 person - YOU!
