Our Guest Speaker from ING the other day, John Ross, stated, "Different people viewing the same reality will normally have very different perceptions." Perceptions as defined by Merriam-Webster Online dictionary are:
a. observations
b. mental images
c. an awareness of the elements of the environment through physical sensation
d. quick, acute and intuitive cognitions
I'd like to create a working definition for perceptions by combining two of those definitions. Perception is the quickly developed mental understanding or impression a person develops from an awareness of various stimuli. I use various stimuli because our perceptions can be influenced by more than what we see. For example, as the 19th century poet William Blake stated, "If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is - infinite."
How can this concept of perceptions influence our leadership?
Effective leadership requires the understanding that not everyone will see a vision the way you do. Not everyone will see a problem like you do. Not everyone will see change like you do. The implication then is that we as leaders must help others get around their "mental road blocks" to pursue change, goals, or success (assuming it's the right thing to do). I would like to argue that this principle of perception must be applied in two ways.
First, leaders must be perceptive. Leaders must have an acute observation of how others are receiving what is being communicated. A leader must use those observations to constructively, and gently help people move in the right direction.
Secondly, it's important for leaders to remember that our perceptions of life are shaped not just by what we see but by what we believe. Therefore, we must have accurate beliefs and perceptions about ourselves (unlike the cat in the picture), others, problems, life, change, etc.
William Blake also wrote, "The eye altering, alters all." How does this quote relate to perceptions and leadership?
the way you view something is the way you will look at all thing with the same situation. it effects the way you view things if you see it as good or bad.
ReplyDeleteI feel that William Blake's qoute is very deep on the level of leadership. Meaning that we see things in our minds eye and not everyone that we are leading see it the same so we need to communicate the goals and vision to the group.
ReplyDeleteI feel as though this quote is saying that they way you look something can be different from anyone else that is also looking at the situation. Just like the meaning of this quote we all read this quote and take something different from it.
ReplyDelete"The eye altering, alters all." I agree with you three. You all said how basically its all the way you look at things. I think thats true but I also think that this quote is saying that you need to alter the way you look at things. If you are the leader it is your job to look at things from others view points to figure out what about their ideas work or don't.
ReplyDeleteHow you look at things is how your going to always look at them. To me the quote seems to say that everyone looks at the same thing different.
ReplyDeleteI think it means that if you change the way you look at something, it will have a larger effect than just a different perception. It will affect how you respond to it and how you affect others. I agree that a leader needs to be able to see things from he other points of views and understand that they will be different. I also think that, as a leader of a group, you should try to make (at least for the big pictures) the perceptions of the members match to create a better unity. Nice point Hilligas, we all have different "perceptions" on a quote about perceptions...ha...ha...
ReplyDeleteIf you view the situation in a different way, that will change your attitude about other things.
ReplyDeleteI think a leader needs to see the big picture of the topic or issue, and see it from all angles. If the leaders perception is obstructed then the leaders decision making becomes bias. Getting the big picture gives a neutral viewpoint and influences good decision making.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has their own perspective of every situation be it good or bad. You have to know what's really important in every situation to make the right decision. As Austin said, you have to know what the big picture is.
ReplyDeleteI think the quote is saying, that the way you look at something can be completely different from someone else's perspective. For example, if two random individuals are looking at the same object, and asked what they think of...their responses may be completely different. Leaders will see this all the time, and it can be a very positive thing if handeled correctly. An open conversation, with input from everyone in the group, can start something huge!! :)