Commitment is what separates "doers" from "dreamers." Many people can dream ideas but few can carry the vision to a completed, successful reality. What is the key ingredient? Commitment! Merriam-Webster defines commitment as the "act of pledging or agreeing to do something in the future." Effective leadership involves pledging to complete or fulfill a dream or vision to successful completion.
Understanding the nature of commitment will provide insight on how to practice effective commitment:
1. Commitment must start from WITHIN. Commitment always precedes achievement. To achieve, you must decide within your own heart, mind or soul to bring a dream to pass. Furthermore, commitment decides to achieve regardless of how circumstances may create ease or difficulty.
2. Measurement of commitment is found in action. Leaders must be people of action and decision, not just position. Commitment is what starts the engine of motion to practice the skills and goals to bring the dream or vision to fulfillment.
3. Commitment is the enemy of resistance. Leaders attempting to fulfill a dream or accomplish a goal WILL find obstacles in the path of accomplishment. Commitment is a resolve to work through those obstacles. When the enemy of resistance raises its voice, commitment resounds with a louder cry!
What kind of a leader will you be? A Cop-out? Holdout? Dropout? or All-out? What characteristics would you use to describe those previous four leaders (defined by John Maxwell)? In other words, how would you describe a "Cop-out? or All-out?"
All this is something that everyone should live by if you want to do something you need to be commited, otherwise it will never become a reality, just a far away dream. I'm always dreaming of being called an amazing guitar player and someone who will blow peoples minds with insane guitar riffs and solos. And I am commited to that, I practice every day when I get home from school for at least one hour (one day I practised for three hours, my hands felt like they were going to fall off!). So every day I get better through practice and COMMITMENT!
ReplyDeleteI am working to be All-Out leader.
ReplyDeleteI think all-out leader is a leader who does his/her best, gives all his/her energy to accomplish his/her dreams and goals.
Cop-out is person who fails to fulfill a commitment or responsibility or to face a difficulty squarely.
I'd be any kind of leader that situation would need. Whether I have to be an all-out leader. Or just let others find there way and guide them is how I feel leading should be, all different ways for different scenarios.
ReplyDeletei like the idea of what speperates the dreamers from doers and what characateristics a doer does to achieve, how they pledge to do something in the future and carry it out and not cop-out from their goals.
ReplyDeleteA cop out is someone who says they'll do something but they back out before they even begin.
ReplyDeleteHold out would be someone who resists starting, they are too lazy or just don't feel like it. They resist the the commitment before it even begins.
Drop out is someone who starts their commitment, but then the first bump in the road they abandon their car.
All out is someone who commits, and they stick to it and follow it until the end.
We should all strive to be All out's, and finish what we begin, stick with out commitments and follow them through until the end.
a cop-out is someone who makes all the plans to commit to someone, but never even starts it. a all-out is someone who makes the plans, follows through with it, and finishes it with lots of commitment. a drop out is someone who starts the commitment, gets a "high" on what they are doing, but gets tired of it, and eventually stops what they are doing. And a hold-out is someone who has the commitment, but never really finishes what they started, not completely droping out, but not really finishing. sometimes i feel like a drop out, recognize that i just completely stopped, and starts back up again. kind of in an on and off way. i am still working on being an all-out. hopefully i have the commitment to follow through.
ReplyDeleteI think this is SO TRUE. What separates ordinarily from excellency is commitment. If you have commitment, you will be able to accomplish great things, and to convert your dreams from just idea to finished product.
ReplyDeleteI don't like tagging myself as being part of a group or being labeled, therefore I'm not going to say what kind of leader I am. To me a cop-out is someone who looks great on paper but can't follow through with the task or the goal. A holdout is someone who will do something but just holds the progress at a standstill. A dropout is a leader who just refuses to lead because of lack of confidence or just chooses not to lead. An all-out leader is somebody who is always reliable to make progress, won't quit because things get tough. An all-out leader is a successful leader, weather the cause is considered good moraled or not, they believe in the cause.
ReplyDeleteEveryone should try to be an all-out leader. Obviously it takes hard work and dedication. It is hard to be an all-out leader if you are involved in many things. Try to focus on one thing at a time. That way you can give everything you have to that one thing. Give 100%. Every great leader is an all-out leader.
ReplyDeleteAs almost everyone has said i'd rather be an all-out leader. To me thats someone who goes 100% until they have met there goal and never gives up. A cop-out may be someone who takes the easy way out or just doesnt get it done.
ReplyDeleteI would be an all-out leader. To me that is just working at your commitment everyday and practicing to achieve it. A cop-out is someone he will have the dream to do it, but isn't really commited to achivie his dream.
ReplyDeleteI DO believe that "there is no dreamer too small, there is no dream too big". Also there is difference between A dreamer and THE leader. Leader is a dreamer who pushes all his heart and strength to make his dreams come true. So I'd like to be THE leader, the other name for my interpretation of THE leader is an ALL-OUT leader, the leader who will never give up. Pushing all in all is the mane difference between a dreamer and all-out leader, I prefer second!
ReplyDeletei think all out leading is the only way to lead i mean who wants to follow someone that is not real sure on his or her own path let alone where he is taking evryone else i think that leadership should be clear and set in stone all out !