Sunday, October 3, 2010

Leading by Following

You'll find mass followers and you'll find the leader who initiates but another role of leadership is needed and that is the first follower. When you see someone passionately step out and take the lead on some worthy initiative, a few brave followers will be the first to follow this lead. This initial group of followers are leaders! They are creating a movement that encourages others to listen to the message or influence of the movement. All great leaders have first followers. Every presidential candidate has a loyal cabinet. Every great organization has a leadership team. Every successful team has a leadership team with a successful coaching staff.

What do these first followers do for leadership? The following outlines the benefits the first followers provide the leader:
1. Gives credibility. Those who initially step out and follow a new initiative communicate to others this new mission is worth following. The first followers are inviting others to follow their lead by following a worthy mission.

2. Initiates movement. The first followers initiates the movement of the mission. This expands the influence of the mission and or the message of the leader. Any influence by a leader or leadership team needs others to carry the message.

3. Creates momentum. The first followers start the snowball effect. There are many who may think the movement or leaders is worth following but lack the courage or motivation to jump in. However, when the movement grows from the initiative of the first followers, others are more willing.

Identify movements in our school worth following and be the first followers. You can tell someone how to fish or you can take them fishing. There are worthy "movements, missions and messages" worth spreading. However, they need leaders. Not just those who run the show but those who are willing to first identify themselves with the mission and teach others how to follow. What are some worthy missions or movements (not organizations or teams) needing first followers in our school? What steps of action are needed by these first followers?


  1. I think a movement worth leading in our school is tutoring, or helping other students who need the extra push to get their work done. Its important to teachers, parents, and classmates that students pass classes so they can graduate, so i think it would be a success. helping tutor just one person would encourage others to be tutored, or tutor others.

  2. Reaching out to younger classman. Especially junior high i don't know any of them. To help make them more comfortable in school maybe the first week have a meeting with them to get to know them. Talk to them about classes and after school activities. It can be scary in a school with upper classman you look up to. By reaching out to them they will see you as a leader and a role model.

  3. Getting to know some of the migrant students and some of the younger kids better. I know I see people and if they're with their friends then I don't feel like I need to reach out to them, it's a lot easier to do if they're alone. Everyone hates to feel like they aren't included in something, and I have no clue if anyone's feeling that way because nobody reaches out.

  4. Along with Lindsey we need to reach out to the younger class man, if we try to involve ourselves in their lives and talk to them. maybe then you can be a role model for them, and other upper class man can do the same.

  5. I think Ellen and Lindsey have a good point there. You should reach to people, and try to help them and include them into something. There is a lot of kids that do not feel comfortable at school, but if someone tried to include them into school and explain them how things work, they would feel a lot better. If you are the first to talk to new kid, then all of your friends will join you.

  6. Well one thing I have noticed is being students aquiantences with Sargent Wilder who is here from the United States Army (mainly to recruit) he also observes our gym classes. Many students were alittle shy to talk to him, I decided to greet him and soon after others joined did also.
    I think that when the first follower does what the leader does, it lets others know that what is happening is acceptable.

  7. I think everyone needs a leader in something they do everyday. Whethers its the homework like megan said, or helping the younger kids feel more comfortable. Just showing kindness to others and not trying to always boss people around. Theres all different kinds of ways you can step up and be a leader.

  8. I guess its all true, leading by following is something not many people would think about, but if somebody does one thing it is likely some one else will do it to because they like it and that person will inspire another person to do it and then more people will go for it. So the second person really does have something to do with it.

  9. First follower gives an impulse to another people to follow a leader, first follower leads by example.
    Lots of stuff are needing follower=)
    Yeah I absolutely agree with girls about junior high student, cause I know how difficult to adjust to new school...

  10. Well, I also think that finding the lonely person for the first follower is a good idea. Nevertheless you can also find a group of friens to discuss with them your idea, and if you are passion about it, believe in it and ready to develope it, other people will listen to you and help you. What's more this can be compared to a human's organism: leader is a head, he is a brain, but first folower is a heart, which makes the whole sistem works. So, there is no one, who is less important for the process...

  11. i agree with megan in the fact that we need to focus more on understanding our work and trying to learn rather then just not doing it because we don't understand.

  12. i think we should have like a pick a underclassmen project i think that would promote a lot of leadership i like that idea for one it mixes upper and lower class men which in turn unites our school it would be a really good thing and it would be helpful to the underclassmen to give pointers because they've been through it all
