Sunday, January 31, 2010

How Truthful Is My Honesty?

What made Abraham Lincoln such an honest person, an influential leader and the reputation of "Honest Abe?"

At the age of 22, owner and manager of a country store, Abe found himself walking over two miles to repay 6 cents to Mrs. Duncan. Why the inconvenience? He was sincere in making sure Mrs. Duncan knew the 6 cents overcharge was not intended and with apology he would repay immediately.

Maybe it was a similar time when Abe in haste weighed tea bags for an elderly woman and realized he made a similar mistake and incorrectly gave her a quarter pound of tea rather than a half a pound. Like before, when closing that evening, he made haste to deliver to this woman her other quarter pound of tea.

While these may seem like such little instances and many would argue that the convenience of overlooking the matters would be better, Abe was wise in going the extra mile to make things right. He obviously understood the great life principle of making the right decisions in the little matters develops the ability to make right decisions in life's larger matters.

In 1860, the integrity of Abe's honesty was needed by a torn and divided nation. His leadership to our country abolished slavery and united millions of people towards a more patriotic and unified nation fighting for liberty for all citizens.

Discuss how honesty or the principle of making right decisions in little matters develops the ability to make right decisions in life's bigger matters are so needed in today's leadership. What areas of a teen leader could these great truths be applied?


  1. Well if you are making the little things right in your life then you will feel impelled to to the right thing when bigger things in life come up. It can be simple things in life that Abe did that truly make what decisions he will make in the future. Its like Mr. Fritz said about his snooze button in the morning, if you hit it once you find yourself doing it more and more often later on and you are justifying it because of that one time you did it before. This can be applied in the teen life for homework, getting up in the morning, doing what your parents ask of you, and simply trying hard at anything and everything you do every day.

  2. The way you act now in the little things will define what kind of person you are when you are older and there are "bigger" matters. If you are honest and make right decisions now, then you will develop that quality of character. If you make the right decisions in the small things, then you will most likely to "bigger" matters even more seriously. It will show that you genuinely care if you still make good decisions even if no one is looking.
    I agree with Hilligas. As teens we can make the right decisions when it comes be being an honest student and a good son/daughter.

  3. Like both Cameron and Hilligas said now is when we are developing who we are going to grow up and become. As we make decision with our honesty on tests, homework, and life in general,it is shaping our attitudes for future endevors. If we practice being honest leaders now hopefully that will carry out later in life.

  4. The little decisions we make now will effect how we are in the future. Being honest with ourselves will help us being honest in the future. Like what Hilligas, Cameron, and Lana said making the right decisions now will help us be better leaders in our future.

  5. Every decision we make today and in the near future will affect our future and what type of a person we will become. Even making a stupid decision such as cheating on a test, will lead to making this negative decision more than once! It is very important to make the good and positive decisions with the outcomes that will help us in the future and will help us to become the good people we want to be! I agree with everything Austin, Cameron, Lana, and Shea have said on their posts.

  6. All the little things do add up. As jess said, every decision we make will affect our future and the person we become. The person we become is definitely determined by the choices we make.

  7. Little choices make a big difference on character and future decision making. Being honest on little things, such as not looking in the back of your math book for answers or other little things adds up fast. People make more "little" decisions than they do big decisions. I like what Hilligas said, about justifying decisions based on the past, then you find yourself doing it more and more. Your not being honest with yourself if you make a commitment to get up at 5:30 every morning, then hit the snooze.

  8. You make a lot of small decisions. In such a way you develop a habit of making decisions, that are first of all right to you. And in future it will definitely help.

  9. when you think what is easier to do rather than what is the right thing to do is when you need to make a change but when you do what you can to make things right people notice and you can some day be put in a big desicion and people will trust you to do the right thing.
