Monday, February 8, 2010

21st Century Values Experiencing Change

(If the video does not play, watch it on youtube by typing in, "Did you know? 2.0)

Poet and Writer George Bernard once said, "Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people."

What's impressive about this quote is that this influential writer lived 100 years ago! How true this principle still remains for us today!

Leadership not only involves influencing and motivating people to achieve a goal for the success of the team but it also involves personal change. Change for the 21st Century involves adapting to changing environments. Learning is changing. Technology is changing. Communication is changing. Therefore, we as leaders must change as well!

As leaders we need to be able to adapt. Our information-aged society is quickly and constantly changing. Leaders need to be able to communicate effectively in the information-technology age and maintain effective influence through our character and leadership.

Consider the thought-provoking video in commenting twice on this blog:

First, discuss what truth "impacted" you the most?

Second, discuss what values do we need to develop to be successful leaders in the 21st Century?


  1. 1. The high increase in the amount of informantion being created and transfered is pretty crazy. I've been aware of this, but it's stil pretty crazy to think of how much faster stuff is being made and shared.
    2. Fritz has mentioned a lot of this- obviously having technology savvy and being able to communicate well using it, but also being professional about it (even the little things like typing full words out, etc)

  2. 1)Its crazy how everything is changing. Especially technology. Everyday it seems like its getting bigger and better.
    2)Communication is important. Trust and honesty are important as well. Technology seems to becoming a big factor as well.

  3. 1.What Impacted me the most was that it is preached to us that the United States is the best country in the world. But, Since our population is so much smaller than other countries, our graduation rate compaired to other countries is quite small. Although our population may becoming quite lazy while using this new technology, we are still developing information at a crazy rate.
    2. Instead of being scared about all of the technology that is being developed. We need to take in the new developments and ask ourselves... How am I going to be a part of this? What will I do to make an impact?

  4. I couldn't believe much technology effects kids as young as 4!! I didn't know what a computer was let alone how to run one at that age! It truly amazes me that todays youth has as much technology and the advancements than what we did 10 years ago. I think that in order to be a leader 5 years from now we are going to have to know computers and all their functions like the back of our hand. We need to be in touch with the web and how to communicate over it at a young age and I believe that we should learn not just computers but any type of technology that there is.

  5. 1. In 10 years China will be the number 1 english speaking country. I'm guessing they will still chinese as well,and I don't think a large percetage of Americans know one or more languages other than english. I can obviously speak english, and know a little bit of spanish.

    2. I think to be come leaders in the 21st century you must have what right now is higher education. Knowledge is important to a leader, as Fritz has told us, "A person makes decisions now that can impact life later." To make good smart choices, its a wonderful idea to have an education that can help throughout life. Mr. Malloy says "Its a global market. You are competing with people around the world." I agree with Lana, most americans are getting lazy. The rest of the world is becoming more intelligent, many americans are taking education for granted. If that continues, the U.S. will be left behind.

  6. 1. Well first off, I thought that was a great informational video and truely opened my eyes!!! The thing that opened my eyes the most was the part of childern at the age of 4 years, are using computers!! One child I babysit for who is 4 does definitely know how to use a computer and knows how to send emails to his grandparents!!! It was truely amazing and shocking to me when I saw what he could do!! When I was 4 years old, I probably knew what a computer was but I didn't have a clue on how to work it in any sort of way!! It's really cool to see how technology is literally affecting EVERYONE!!! It has made such an impact on every person and I think that will keep increasing!! :)

    2. I think technoloy will help us alot in the future and become very vital to all!! I agree with Austin Hilligas on this one when he said we will need to know computers "like the back of our hands" I think that was a very true comment and is being proven everyday!! I think we will be using technology more and more!! And I think that is GREAT!! :)

  7. It was so full of information. There might have been some negative things, but I think the technology is a good thing, it makes things easier and cheaper. I'm just surprised by how much everything will change in the future.

  8. With technology grwing today, it makes things easier to teach things because we 1: aren't killing the trees for the paper, 2: We are helping each other grow with the world around us. Sure tchnology isn't always great but look where it has gotten us.

  9. This video really opend my eyes to the technology and how is effects all people. Going off of Austin's post with China being the next number one english speeking country in the world it's eye opening. They are taking a lot of steps into being the next best thing and are alreay there.

  10. It's so cool, how everything changes so fast and in different situations. Technology definitely impacts the world, and that's probably the thing that impressed me the most.

    In the 21st century it's very important to know how to use computer for different purposes.

  11. 1 it is amazing how some writter 100 years ago can be right about a thing like technology that didnt really exist and knowing that you have to be willing to change with the rest of the world.
    2 today it is important to keep up with all the new things coming out it is much easier to follow today then years ago when not alot of things like today are coming out and it is a good idea to stay as current as possible
