Monday, September 19, 2011

Leading While Staying Connected

John Maxwell once said, "Leaders need to be close enough to people to lead them but far ahead enough to motivate them." This couldn't be more true. Think of your great, influential teachers in your life. They were not "buddies" but "mentors." Leaders look to stay one step ahead of those he or she is leading. What benefits arise as a result of such leadership?

1. Direction - The leader who steps out in front of others and pursues a vision first must chart the course for others. Charting this course gives direction and helps those following make the right decisions to help fulfill the vision.

2. Counsel - The leader who take the initiative must learn the troubleshooting solutions first and can provide advice for others before they face similar adversity. Furthermore, when receiving advice from someone who has "been there, done that" makes the advice more credible.

3. Connection - The leader who connects with his or her followers always keeps a hand out to help. When you feel "connected" to a leader, it's much easier to take risks to accomplish goals or the vision. Without the "connection" people are less likely to step out of their comfort zone and follow where the leader leads. Connection is the bridge that keeps the leader and followers working together as a team.

Discuss what ways a leader can do two things:
a) Stay Connected
b) Stay Ahead and Motivate


  1. There will always be leaders or mentors to lead you.They maybe be your family or friends or some people you dont even know yet.They are some steps you need to find or steps you need to follow to be the part of this change. Mr.Jepsons will to change and be part of change was his will to change and show people how he can be a proof of change.A lot of people have will to change but none of them dont have good leaders they can follow but a lot of people can look up to Mr.Jepson now and he can be a a great leader who gives right directions,counsel people and give them directions witch way to take, and after all connects his followers and creates bridge that keeps leader and followers working together as a team.

  2. Leaders stay connected by not rising so far above those they are leading. Standing alone at the top is never a good sign because it means that you have distanced yourself from the people. People will stay connected with you if you gain their trust. Leaders can stay ahead by being the ones who are willing to take a risk. By taking the risk you are changing and others will follow your change. To be a good leader you have to be knowledegable about what you are trying to influence or change. Leaders need to be strong in the face of problems and stand with the people so they know they are safe.

  3. A good way for a leader to stay connected is to check in on who they're mentoring and work on being more personal. When a leader is invested in every one of their followers and is looking out for their best interests I think that it gives them the best outlook on their decisions. For a leader to stay ahead and motivate they should be sure that they are working towards a common goal and are always keeping up morale.

  4. I think a good way for leaders to stay connected is by communicating with other leaders. They need to have good relationships with others so they can empower people. They need to be trust worthy because trust can end fast. They need to know what their goals are and follow that path. They need to know what they want to accomplish.

  5. A leader can stay connected by showing people they care. Going the extra mile and helping someone. A leader and stay ahead by focusing on the person and help them to recieve their goal. Motivate, a leader can show some one how to be motivating but its truly up to the individual i believe to be the one who goes and continues to reach their goal fully.

  6. A leader can stay ahead and be connected with people by listening to their audience and relating themselves to the audience. Once a leader does this the leader will gain trust. A leader can stay ahead and motivate by proposing new things and always making new goals to challenge people and make a message change people. You have to relate to the audience to motivate people.Using shocking information can also work in motivating people

  7. A good leader can stay connected with people if there is a good chain of communication between a leader and his followers and a leader can also stay ahead and motivate if he or she empowers his followers because leadership is about how you empower others and how you are able to influence others positively

  8. A leader can stay connected with people by listening too their followers dreams and trying too relate with what they have already accomplished. A leader can gain lots of trust by motivating their followers and trying too get into their dreams/beliefs too help follow them on the right path. When you have a mentor or leader that helps you out they will be with you forever and you can carry their influences too help others.

  9. A leader can stay connected by not boring the people they are leading. You have to keep their attention or nothing is going to happen. You also have to keep yourself informed. You can also stay connected by showing your sincere to the problem. You have to keep yourself motivated to motivate others along the way. This ties into how you can stay ahead and motivate. You have to be a step ahead of everyone else in order to motivate them because then the people look at where they are going. You can motivate by experience.

  10. Bryson Blythe said...

    A good way for a leader to stay connected is to check in on who they're mentoring and work on being more personal. When a leader is invested in every one of their followers and is looking out for their best interests I think that it gives them the best outlook on their decisions. For a leader to stay ahead and motivate they should be sure that they are working towards a common goal and are always keeping up morale.

  11. Leaders need to stay connected with the people that they're influencing. Staying connected shows that you care. Leaders need relationships with other people that are also leaders. You also have to stay motivated on your goal. Shout out to mboy!!!

  12. In order for a leader to continue being a influential person they need to keep their followers involved and stay connected with them. Once you fall behind on this you will lose followers who might not ever be able to trust you again, so remember to keep your followers involved and ask them questions.

  13. I think for a leader to stay effective yet understand the people around them is one of the hardest things to balance. Usually, leaders are just among their people all the time, or are hopelessly severing their relationships with their followers altogether. I think the best way to keep the balance is to put yourself in the same environment as your followers, but still pursue you goals. It should be like a general that inspects their troops in the front line, but still devotes more time to leading their men

  14. I agree that one must be close but far and all, but how exactly does one tell how close, or how far?? its not like theres a magik number or something.
