Sunday, September 11, 2011

No Results?

No Results? How frustrating when you carefully word a key word search using an online search engine and you are left with no results?! In a like manner, how frustrating is it when you create a plan to accomplish something and following a whole-hearted commitment to achieve it, you feel like the return message is, "No results...try again."

Defeating. Discouraging. Frustrating! What a leader responds with in these times reveals a lot about his or her outlook on leadership. What should a leader do when he or she feels the achievement is zero? Goals are not being met? His leadership is losing favor with others? Below are some tips on dealing with setbacks or the lack of results.

1. Regroup. Gather your team in and revisit the vision and mission. Remind yourself and your team why it is you are pursuing a particular achievement. Often, setbacks or hurdles serve as valuable times to refine your vision or renew your motivation.

2. Reflect. Reflect on your influence as a leader. Ask yourself the tough questions, "Am I putting in more time than others? Am I asking too much of others? What can I do different to inspire others to achieve?"

3. Renew. Sometimes, a sense of renewal is needed to re-energize the team to achieve. It's not a matter of working harder or re-planning anything. Sometimes, the leadership just needs a sense of inspiration. Revisiting the purpose and hope behind the vision often gives a sense of inspiration.

4. Refine. Set-backs and the lack of results may cause one to refine the goals or plan of action. The vision is fine, the leadership is fine and the team is fine. Problem? Wrong plan of action. As a team, collaborate on how a better "road map" could be established to achieve a vision.

Big Picture? Effective leaders are not content with "Sorry, your search led you to no results" messages or achievements. Leaders see these as opportunities to implement effective problem solving.

Don't like the results you get? Change what you do!


  1. I think it's important to remember that as a leader there will always be problems that will come up that you will have to overcome. A leader needs to be strong for everyone they are leading but they need to make sure they aren't the only one with the end goal in mind. A leader needs to make sure that they are working with people not just telling them what to do. I liked the 4 easy steps to evaluate your leadership. I think evaluating your leadership is important no matter if you are succeeding or struggling you can always get better.

  2. I think getting turned down or not getting the results you want will build you as a leader. It will give you some challenge and something to overcome. Everything is not always going to go your way...but you can change what you do and maybe make it come your way. You just have to stick with it and remember the goal in the end. Don't give up on it.

  3. It seems to me that setbacks should be planned on and expected. Of course, if you succeed right away, then your plan is good. However, if you plan fails, you should reorganize and figure out what parts of your plan were weak, strong, or average. If you continue to fix the weaknesses and refine the strengths, eventually it will play out your way

  4. I think that the 4 tips you gave could be very helpful. When I'm not rewarded for working for something I assess if it's really something that I want and is necessary to achieve. There's no sense spending all your energy on something that doesn't help you or anyone else in any way.

  5. To me leader shouldnt be always perfect because you know what !? We are only humans just like leader is eather you work in matrix or other work way but leader should be one who will get out of it first and be there to regroup people and point them good way,reflect yours ideas and influence others,renew there point of look maybe they are lost but leader is there to point them good way,refine if there is some problem because teamwork should make it out and establish to achieve a vision you made like a goal !

    Leader should always be the one who will step out first and point others on right road !

  6. The four tips i feel are very useful and I believe that i will use tonight in my volleyball game and share with my team and coaches. In being a leader yes you will fail and yes you will have problems, but it depends on how you deal with them. Leaders lead they dont follow.

  7. If you feel you aren't getting what you want out of your goals as a leader, you should communicate with your followers and gain there insight to make your goals work. Communicating with your followers and using there insight makes them open up and trust you. Once you have trust in leadership you can take take on new roles and spread your message.

  8. If you are being left with no results and your goals aren't being met you are the one that needs too make a change. Whether it be communicating with the people who trust you and try too figure out some realistic goals that you can both get done. The most important thing is you must try too get everyone too work hard too achieve the goal, so you can get results, and if you fail you know you are trying hard too succeed.

  9. No matter what you are doing there will always be those "roadblocks" that slow you down. It's how you react to these that will determine what happens in the end. If you don't achieve those exact goals just make sure that you can tell yourself that you worked as hard as you could and didn't give up.

  10. Not getting the results you want shouldn't stop you from trying to achieve your goal. It's like a detour on a road. All you have to do is change you path to your goal but in the end you're going to reach that final destination. There isn't one singular path to your goal so expect a little opposition on your way there, but never give up. Always keep going.
