Monday, October 24, 2011

7 Habit of Effective Teens, Part II

Do you want to go to college? Graduate school?
What will be your worldview in life?
Are you considering joining a new team or program?
What type of friends do you want to have?
Who do you want to marry?
What will you stand for?

Finding the answers to these questions can be initiated by first considering what you want your end destination to be! Why is it important to have an end in mind? First, you will be faced with many difficult decisions as previously mentioned that will be answered for you if you don't take direct intervention on "navigating" your life.

Before starting each new day, each new project, each new season, each new relationship, consider, "What is my main purpose in this? What do I ULTIMATELY want to accomplish?" When you can answer what your end goal is, then you are ready to embark on the new journey.

Taking an inventory of your values, goals and dreams help define what you are ultimately trying to get out of life. Consider the following questions:
1. Who has made a significant impact on your life? What qualities would you like to mimic?
2. Fifteen years from now, you are surrounded by the most important people in life, who are they? What are you doing together?
3. What or who would you be willing to lose your greatest possession for?
4. If you could spend one full day in the National Library of Congress studying something, what would it be?
5. What do you love to do?
6. Explain a situation or time when you became deeply inspired.
7. What three things would you want your closest people to tell a local news casting crew about you?
8. Describe one thing that represents you and explain how it represents you.
9. If you could spend one day living the life of another, who would it be and why?
10. What are your talents?

Answering these ten questions will help you discover hidden goals and values that ultimately shape your major goal or purpose you are trying to accomplish in life.

Today has already begun...have you started in the right direction?


  1. This means that if you arent going right way,which way are you going then !? Everyone feels like this sometimes but if you arent ready to make big desicions in your life,you arent ready for anything !

    1.Significant impact on my life was made by my family.When you realise what they sacrifice for you and what they did to have perfect life that is what I want for my family too.I would love to have all of those qualities for me because if it is gonna motivate you to go I would do that ,sacrafacing,giving your whole life to them.
    2.They would be my friends,colleges and family I made throw and I am going to have throw years.They are the ones that help me go on and give me strength to go on and give me power to continue.They are the ones that are here to be with me.
    3.I would be willing to loose my greates possession for my family even thought I don’t act like that,my whole life is dedicated to my family.Nothing could exchange that feeling of happiness.
    4.I would find information to make peace between countries and keep them together.By finding peace between countries would be problem solving tips and how to cure serious diseases and stop wars in world.
    5.I would love to see peace and harmony between people and countries.You can see that in many ways but if you look directly throw it,you can see it true colors and my point.
    6.I felt really inspired when I got scholarship for Usa because I was one in 400 and only 16 got chance to come here.That is thing that makes me inspired and gave me strength that I can make change in my country.
    7.I would want them to be honest and tell them things they got to see during being my friends.Those things would be that I am easy going,true friend and ready to help in need.
    8.One thing that represents me would be my will to help everybody and go with everyone and listen to there problems and help them with them.
    9.I think I wouldn’t do that with everybody because you cant see there problems or events from past ,only things you see in something they want you to see.Nobody is perfect but I am trying to be on that path.
    10.My talents are that I can communicate with everyone,nevermind if I don’t know that laungage,I will find way to communicate with them !

  2. Starting with the end in mind is very important. The path you are talking now and the goal you want in the end will determine what you all do now to reach it. Follow the right path to get to the end and what you want.

  3. If you think about what you want and know you want that, you will work to accomplish that. Knowing what will come in the end is the best incentive you can have because you know that in the end all of your hard work will pay off.

  4. The end in mind is very important to get a good picture of where you want to be in life in the future. You set the goals and listen to your heart you will find the desire to reach whatever you want too accomplish. It is important to find those people that will guide you on your path too sucess and you will always have those critics telling you can't but if you believe in yourself you can overcome any obstacle.

  5. Having the end in mind is the best way for people to work towards their goal. Setting goals is the best way to feel accomplished while on your path to success.

  6. I think that starting with the end goal is important because you need to know if what you are doing is going to get you to your goal or if you need to change something to get to your goal. I you believe in your goal you will think about it everyday and you will know what still needs to be done to get to the goal. Your morals will guide you to your end goal. Make sure to know what you really want before getting there and realizing it wasn't what you wanted after all.

  7. Starting with the end in mind is very important because you are more likely to fulfill those goals that you want to possess be look at what you want to become. You challenge yourself to meet that image of what you want to become. If you have that image stuck in your head of what you want to become in the future, you will see the goal everyday in your mind and be more likely to achieve that goal.

  8. starting with the end in mind helps you to focus in trying moments because you have your eyes on the ultimate also constantly reminds you of the goals you set for yourself

  9. You can't get anywhere if you don't know where you are going. This is why it is important to have the end in mind. If you don't, you aren't going to know what to go after. If you set an end goal, then you know that you can work towards that end goal.
