Headquartered in Los Angeles, the Rubicon Project launched in 2007 with a mission to automate the $65 billion global online advertising industry.
Here is what Dan Neil, a LA Times Author, wrote about Rubicon in March of 2009 (http://articles.latimes.com/2009/mar/24/business/fi-cotown-neil24):
“Starting in 1997 in his dorm room at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Addante and a group of tech-savvy friends were pioneers in the ad network business (an ad network is a kind of brokerage, placing clients' advertising on publishers' websites). In 2007, Addante formed the Rubicon Project with the same cadre of Web veterans and $22 million in venture capital. The company opened the doors of its techno-hip West L.A. headquarters in April 2008 and since then has blown up to become the third-largest online advertising company in the world -- behind only Google and Yahoo -- as measured by reach, according to the online monitoring firm Quantcast. Rubicon processes more than 35 billion ads a month from 375 ad networks, placing them on more than 14,000 websites, including those of the Washington Post, Newsweek and USA Today (it is currently in discussions with Tribune Interactive).”
Reading a short bio/history on Rubicon posted above, what character qualities would you say Addante contained to succeed so much in such a short amount of time?
What kind of “person” or “leader” is a fast-paced, successful, tech-savvy 21st Century company looking for?
Here is what Dan Neil, a LA Times Author, wrote about Rubicon in March of 2009 (http://articles.latimes.com/2009/mar/24/business/fi-cotown-neil24):
“Starting in 1997 in his dorm room at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Addante and a group of tech-savvy friends were pioneers in the ad network business (an ad network is a kind of brokerage, placing clients' advertising on publishers' websites). In 2007, Addante formed the Rubicon Project with the same cadre of Web veterans and $22 million in venture capital. The company opened the doors of its techno-hip West L.A. headquarters in April 2008 and since then has blown up to become the third-largest online advertising company in the world -- behind only Google and Yahoo -- as measured by reach, according to the online monitoring firm Quantcast. Rubicon processes more than 35 billion ads a month from 375 ad networks, placing them on more than 14,000 websites, including those of the Washington Post, Newsweek and USA Today (it is currently in discussions with Tribune Interactive).”
Reading a short bio/history on Rubicon posted above, what character qualities would you say Addante contained to succeed so much in such a short amount of time?
What kind of “person” or “leader” is a fast-paced, successful, tech-savvy 21st Century company looking for?
I think that Addante had the ability and the will to achieve his goal. He obviously worked hard and fast to accomplish it as well. I think that companies are looking for people how are on theirs toes and can bring new and interesting ideas to the table. I think people have to be able to possibly work long stressful hours in order to get the job done. You have to be able to take initiative and get things done!
ReplyDeleteAddante had to have perseverance and determination. He also had to have some kind of motivation to keep him going on the prohect for about 10 years. He also had to work well with others and cooperate when he was working with some friends. I think that they're looking for someone smart and knows what they're doing, but also one who is committed to following through with what they said. I think they're also looking for someone who is self motivated to do things.
ReplyDeleteAddante had a vision that he wanted to see happen. His passion had to have driven him to success. Also because he was young, new ideas helped him prosper. These are all qualities that a company like rubicon would be looking for in a new employee
ReplyDeleteAddante had passion and had him and his friends modivated enough to work towards a greater goal and then seen success so they just kept expanding never settling until they became a leader in the online advertising company.
ReplyDeleteAddante and his friends were trying things that hadn't been tried before. They were pioneers. This means they had creativity, having the imagination to create something that didn't exist before. Today's world needs more creativity than ever. Along with that, being able to work with friends who have similar passions makes the whole doing a "fun" process, not a job. So, a 21st century firm is looking for creativity and passion. With these, anything is possible.
ReplyDeleteHe obviously had a vision that he wanted to fulfill. He had to have self-control and stay level headed when obstacles got in their way. I think today employers are looking for people who can motivate themselves to do something great for not only themselves but for others around them and their company as well.
ReplyDeleteHe was consistent. He knew what he wanted to have done and he made it happen. He had his goals set. Short term goals and longer term goals. He made the short term ones to help complete the long term ones. People getting hired these days need to know how to handle themselves in every situation and need to know how to have self control.
ReplyDeleteHe has def. accomplished a lot and should be very proud of it. There are many things to look forward to and he thought of a situation and had a drive for it and accomplished it.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what chantal said. He saw a vision and did everything he could to get to his vision. He had drive and passion for what he was doing. A company these days are looking for people like that that are passionate and driven for what they are doing.
ReplyDeletei think that Addante had passion, integrity and the ambition to do what his goal was and more. I think that those qualities are also the ones that they need in someone that they are looking for. You would need drive and passion for you work and the brain to think through problems that may come up.
ReplyDeleteAddante definitely had a vision and when a motivated individual has a vision they make it their goal to do anything to accomplish their visions. To accomplish goals you must stay motivated and committed. If you want something bad enough you will do everything to make your dream come true.
ReplyDeleteHe was kind of a dreamer, but he put his thoughts into action. He was persistant and had much passion for what he believed. He always had a goal in mind. He was willing to fight for it and be persistant through it. He was able to jump over obstacles by being level-headed and committed.
ReplyDeleteI think its awesome that it turned out this huge. Adante and his friends maybe had no clue what oppurtunities it would bring. It takes alot of drive to stick with something you will not know the outcome to. Success came with hardwork
ReplyDeleteAdante had a vision. He probably didnt think it would turn it this big. He had a goal and went tor reach it and it all worked out for him. He had hardwork and perseverence
ReplyDeleteIt shows that hard work can pay off in the end. He had worked for something and believed and didnt know something like this could turn out so successful. It also shows to set your bar high until you reach it
ReplyDeleteI think Addante had high expectations for himself. He set his expectations high and wasn't going to stop working hard until he got where he wanted to be. This showed that hard work pays off in the end.
ReplyDeleteThis just goes to show that hard work takes you really far. If you set goals and don't stop till you reach them you can accomplish amazing things. Addante had to have had a lot of confidence in himself and his abilities and I think that's necessary to do your best.
ReplyDeleteI think that Addante worked really hard to achieve great things. He dreamed and set goals for himself to be very successful.
ReplyDeleteHe had great compassion. He worked hard to reach his goals. By setting his goals he was halfway there i feel and he made his own success by staying close to his goals