The highest POW death rate in U.S. history occurred during the Korean War. Crazy thing is that the Korean Military did NOT use any physical abuse or torture. In fact, fewer cases of torture or cruel punishment were used in this war than any other American involved war. All POW's had adequate food, shelter and water. Yet, why were so many soldiers killed?
American soldiers were not hemmed in with barbed wire and no armed guards surrounded the camps. Yet no soldier ever tried to escape. What's even crazier is that American soldiers broke rank and turned against each other and developed loyal ties to the Korean Military!
Some soldiers had such despair that they would crawl into corners, pull blankets over their heads and simply die within days.
Again, I ask, why were so many killed? Upon returning to home, these soldiers often would not make any contact with any relatives or loved ones. A new disease developed - hopelessness.
These soldiers had completely given up - mentally and physically. How did the Koreans accomplish this? The Koreans denied any emotional support that could be achieved through interpersonal relationships. Koreans had the POW's use negative communication toward each other. NO POSITIVE COMMUNICATION EVER REACHED THESE POW's!
My point? Our words, attitudes, actions and emotions towards each other are more powerful than we realize. I have read a proverb that says something like, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue. They that love it, eat the fruit thereof."
Effective leadership involves deliberate, positive communication that empowers and motivates others. Write 3 to 5 little sincere, deliberate notes of encouragement to people in your life and post the effects these notes had on others as well as yourself!
My mother is always looking out for me and I greatly appreciate it. My friends are also always calm and easy to talk to and very trustable. The rest of my family is always behind me and have my back whenever I need them. Without all these I would forget more things than I intend to, and I'd be more stressed out and probably be less active in our school.
ReplyDeleteWell...I got a lot of smiles, hugs, and sincere "Aww, you're so nice" comments. Such small things like making a simple positive note to those around you may change how they are feeling about their whole day. Especially people like my mom. She's got a pretty stressful job, so when she got the note when she got home, she instantly felt like a million bucks! When I made her feel like that, I felt a trillion bucks! :)
ReplyDeleteI gave one to my mom, dad, and sister. They all seemed very happy and grateful. My dad was in a bad mood that day and that little note changed his mood for the whole dad. It shows how far a little kindness can go. It felt really good to make others happy.
ReplyDeleteI did not write notes, but i told people that i appreciated them. Every person got a smile on their face and said thank you. I think that sometimes people need to be reminded that people care about them. It is kind of like losing sight of a goal, but instead a person loses sight of how you appreciate them. It is important that you remind them because it might change their outlook on a day.
ReplyDeleteI also told people how I appreciated them and even just a "thank you" when someone helps you with a small task is greatly appreciated. We never know how much our words can help someone, just like the story Mr. Fritz handed out to us earlier in the year.
ReplyDeleteI wrote one to my brother telling him "good luck" on his final this week. He only has one more and I said i wanted him to do very well. He said Thank You Very Much!!!I also wrote one to my mom and dad and they both said that i appreciate everything that they do for me even if sometimes i do not express it all the time. They were glad that i wrote them those notes!
ReplyDeleteI also texted my brother and sister this week and told them good luck with their finals this week. My brother and sister both appriciated the fact that i was thinking about them. I also thank my mom more for the things she does for me around the house and she appreciates that i care.
ReplyDeleteThis weekend I wrote a little note to both of my sisters and my mom, telling them how appreciative of them I was, how much I care for and am thankful for my mom, and how proud I am of my little sisters. They were so thankful and I think probably fairly surprised at the random note! However, they were very appreciative and it honestly made me feel really good inside after I sent them and got to read their responses.
ReplyDeleteI didn't write letters. I just told people during practice, school, or at home how i appreciated them or words of encouragement. I think people notice the little things we do for each other. Just to know that you are thinking of them can help.
ReplyDeleteThis was kinda fun and odd, as it is not really natural for people to leave notes for people. I kinda left a note, via text. I texted some of my close friends with some encouraging comments/ expressed gratitude for some things that they do. Not only did it enhance the level of fellowship between us when we were together, but it also, i am convinced, gave them a lift in their daily life. I of course base this from personal experience. We all enjoy would enjoy it if we found a note of encouragement, therefore, while I could not see what their emotions were doing, I am hopeful that it positively effected their day!!!
ReplyDeletePositive thinking has helped me through some tough times these last few weeks. Even when I've had an off day I try to find something good that's happened at some point throughout that day. That really helps me to reflect and find some good in the bad.
ReplyDeleteI make it a goal in my everyday life to compliment someone, and I always text or send good luck to friends via facebook if I remember that they have a test coming up! I also think that it is very important to reassure your family that you love them frequently, I would hate for the last thing I said to my family member not be something nice. So, no matter how mad I am with a family member the last thing we say to a family member in my family, before going to bed, leaving the house, or getting off the phone, is I love you!
ReplyDeleteI wrote a letter to one of my sisters telling her to have a safe trip on vacation and to do well on her finals! She appreciated it very much. I also wrote a short letter to my mom thanking her for everything she has done for me, and she appreciated it very much. Every time i get off the phone or leave my house i tell my family i love them.
ReplyDeleteI left a note for my mom telling her that i really appreciate the things she does for me. I didn't leave a note for my brother, but I told him good luck with surgery tomorrow and that i'll be thinking about him during the day. My mom was very thankful for the note and I could tell that it made her happy. My brother smiled and told me thanks. I think that showing the people in your life that you care and appreciate them will make your relationship with them even stronger.
ReplyDeleteMy friends always no when im having a bad time and they no exactly what to do to make things better they very surportting. my dads always their through thick in thin hes very consistant and easy to talk too. my sisters are always thier to give good advice they see things for what they are and are very open and honest without these 3 things in my life i would have no flow and my life would be rough and unstable
ReplyDeleteI didn't write any notes but I do confide in the people that I trust and can be honest. those 3 many groups of people would be my mom, my friends, and other members of my family that i feel close to. With my mom i know that i can tell her anything that is going on. my friends they always have my back even when i do things that im not really proud of. and i can always go to people in my family we have all been through so much together and they can relate to me.