U.S. 6th President, John Quincy Adams once wrote, "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." What caught my attention with this quote is the first phrase, "If your actions..." Abe Lincoln also said once, "What you do speaks so loud I cannot hear what you say." Trustworthy leadership is found in action. The consistency in DOING right things for the right reasons builds trust in our leadership.
How can one lead in larger, important matters if he or she has not first been faithful in the little "day to day" decisions? One true measure of the effectiveness of one's leadership is the daily faithfulness of DOING RIGHT, not just verbally committing to doing what is right. People will believe what you do before they believe what you say. May we lead through action before we ever verbally invite others to follow our lead. Without consistent, right, day-to-day actions, where would we lead those who follow?
i agree with this 100%. i think this is the main reason that it is important to do the right thing even when nobody is watching, because if you cant do it then, its going to show up when people are watching
ReplyDeleteyeah, this makes alot of since becasue if your not being faithful in everyday situation then thier would be know way people would want you to lead them
ReplyDeleteThese quotes are very true. What you do and what you say are two completely different things. You can say one thing and completely go against it but you can also say that you don't do somethings and then contridict yourself by indeed doing them. Your actions and words have to match in order to be an effective leader. No one will believe in what you are saying unless you live out your own words to the fullest extent.
ReplyDeleteI agree with these quotes, too. People including myself, would not want to follow someone who doesn't practice his or her own words. Also, some may develop scorn for someone who repeatedly does not practice what he/she preaches.
ReplyDeleteI agree that your actions reflect your character. I think people trust others when they see that they are doing right in their daily actions. Like Fritz said the other day, he might occasionally lose hsi composure once in a great while, but if he yelled everyday and lost his cool on a regular basis, we would get tired of him and we wouldn't listen to him anymore.
ReplyDeleteI agree, also. Even if you usually do the right thing daily, those that follow you will question your actions when you make a dumb decision or choice.
ReplyDeleteI agree with both of these quotes. You can't just say your going to do things and assume people with believe in you, you have to do those actions so they will believe in you.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the character and your actions. People who do the right thing all the time will have easier decisions when making tough choices with friends.
ReplyDeleteActions are very importtant. You cant just talk the talk, you got to walk the walk. You have to show the people around you that you can work alongside them. I also agree that you need to do the right thing when no one is looking.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with these quotes. Your actions and what you do are very important. People will see your actions and judge you on what you do. So you have to be careful about what you choose to do in your life because people are watching.
ReplyDeleteI believe that actions speak louder than words. If people see how you act and you don't say anything, they will know you by your actions. If the right thing is happening everyday, people will not be able to question your character.
ReplyDeleteI believe,actions speak louder than words and being disciplined to do the right actions when no one is watching is being true to yourself and everyone else that you come in contact with. This will show consistency in character.
ReplyDeleteI really like these quotes and they tell a lot about how our actions and words cabn mean to others. Without consistency in these areas, we would lead people and ourself where we don't want to go. So we need to try to be consistent in our words and actions towards others to be an effective leader.
ReplyDeletei totally agree because if the person trying to lead is hypocritical then no one will want to follow him or her. Leadership is consistency in your actions, goals, and words. It is not just talking about doing something, its getting out there and perusing it and along the way others will follow.
ReplyDeleteThat is so true. No one will buy into doing what you tell them to do if you do not practice it yourself. You are always leading the people around you, it is our decision on what we lead them in. We should choose the path of uprightness in our own lives, and the 'followers' around us will hopefully be compelled by the way we live our life to do it as well.
ReplyDeleteI like this post alot. It all goes along with one of my favorite quotes by Gandhi. "Be the change you wish to see in the world". If a person isn't consistent with others, or even with themselves, how can they even start to make effective positive changes to influence the world around them...I give these quotes 2 thumbs up!!
ReplyDeletePeople who have been consistent with making the right decisions throughout their lives will have a bigger impact on people. If you do not have integrity, people will not follow you. You need to be consistent from day to day activities no matter the situations you are in, the people you are around, or the places you are.
ReplyDeleteIf you have previously been smart and made good choices in life people have more respect for someone who hasn't. You can always trust someone if you know their past and it's good. but everyone needs forgiveness.
ReplyDeleteI agree completely with all of these comments....I think it is very important walk the the talk you talk! I believe that people will follow your lead if you have previously made good decisions and stay consistent.
ReplyDeleteI definitely agree with that. I think that if you aren't consistant in your everyday actions, people will see that. They notice that you aren't living out what you say. The little things that you do for others when nobody sees are what you really will be known for. If you do those things when nobody is watching, you will definitely be able to do them when people are watching. Anyone who is consistant will have greater respect from others and they will remember that.
ReplyDeleteI like Quincy Adams' quote as well as Abe's. The day to day thing sticks out the most by the day to day action. That trust is hard to build up but so easy to lose
ReplyDeleteI agree all of these. You have to commit to something if you say your going to do it. Saying something is nothing you have to do what you say your going to do.
ReplyDeleteI think a leader has to be able to lead by example and be consistant. I complete agree with this. i think people notice when poeple contradict themselves. No one is going to want to follow someone who says one thing and does another.