Monday, November 2, 2009

Motivation Video 1 - HW

Inspiration plays an imortant role in leadership. As a leader, you must continually have resources that inspire you to achieve your goals. Secondly, you must also develop the skills to inspire others. Enjoy this motivational clip by Hannah Wilson. Comment on what quotes inspired you the most.

Brandon F


  1. Pretty much all the quotes in this video are inspirational to me. The ones that really stand out the most are the ones about living your life to the fullest and believing in yourself. No one will ever believe in you until you give them something to believe in. And living my life to the fullest is huge right now. You never know what life has to offer so all you can do is follow your heart and live in the moment. Just live life to the fullest.
    Props to Hannah on the video! Its AMAZING!!

  2. I think this video is great and has a ton of awesome quotes. A cool quote that kind of stuck with me was the one where it says "anyone can give up, its the easiest thing in the world to do, but to hold everything together even when everyone else would understand if you fell apart..that's true strength". The reason that stuck out to me was b/c one person doesn't have to give up even when others believe its ok if they do. It shows dedication and motivation of the person's true character. That is cool. good job on the video hannah ;)

  3. This is a really moving video! I liked the end part that repeated that you can say yes when everyone else is saying no. It just resonated with me because sometimes I don't feel like I can do things when others tell me I can't. You did a super fantastic job, Hannah! :) :) :)

  4. I like how it talks about starting the day focusing on the good things you are going to do and not focusing on whether or not the day is gonna suck or something. I always have believed that the day is only going to be as good as you allow it to be.

  5. Amazing is the word. People have a great spirit that they can ignite. Just start the fire and it will do its job. The fire can be affected by ice and harsh winds, but that doesn't mean you have to let it get to you.

  6. This video gives me chills every time I see it. Props to Hannah, it's outstanding! One qoute that impacts me greatly is:
    "Live your life to the fullest and take pleasure along the way. Always strive for success, take chances and live your dreams."
    It sums up many things that are important to me in one little phrase, and still gets the same point across. I think we all take for granted the little things in life, and it's important for us to sit back and enjoy them every once in a while. We need to remember to make the most of our life and what we have, take every day opportunities to be daring, try new things and live out our dreams!

  7. This video is amazing!! Great job Hannah!!
    The quote that stuck out to me in this video is "you never really lose, until you quit trying.."

  8. This video is really good. There were a lot of good quotes that are inspiring. The music really helped. This was just a great clip about leadership. I really like the quote impossible is nothing

  9. This video was sweet. The music really set the mood. There were good and meaningful quotes throughout the whole video. My favorite was the one when the guy was lying on the track and it said something like man's greatest hour is when he lays exhausted on the field of battle victorious.

  10. This video is very inspirational. It is moving and encourages people to exceed expectations that people have set for them. The one quote that stuck out to me the most was about impossible being a dare. I think that people need to realize that when somebody says that something is impossible, that somehow it probably can be done.

  11. I have a million things to say about this video, but I'll just say a few...One: AMAZING!! Two: Powerful! These quotes are great and they'll just keep the ispiration ignited. "You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them" This quote really stayed with me because you have to find the motivation in yourself first in order to achieve what you have planned or it won't happen. I can understand this quote so much because I procrastinate and don't expect myself to do the task until I need to and time pressure is what motivates me to get the job done. So expectations before it's crunch time is easier to deal with.

  12. This is a very inspirational video! There were two quotes that stuck out to me.
    1."To succeed you need something to hold on to- something to motivate you- something to inspire you". I like this quote because it lets you know that you can't go anywhere, or even be a leader without the help of others.
    2."You never loose till you quit trying". I really like this quote because it gives you the power to keep going even if you know that you're going to fail, but yet you do it for pride. Overall the quotes were all very very good! Nice Job!

  13. Loved the video!
    I really enjoyed the last quote of the video because i can relate to it through sports. The fun fonts also made it not so boring :)
    Im looking forward to doing one of these for my project!

  14. i love this whole clip and i can truly say that there is not just one quote that inspires me because the entire thing is inspirational. great job Hannah!! this is ABSOLUTELY amazing :)

  15. That was a GGGRREEEEAAAATTT movie. I enjoyed pretty much all of it, but I have to say that my favorite quote is the one about giving up is the easiest thing to do, but to hold together when people would understand if you didn't is true strength. That is so applicable to anyone's life. We can all just stop doing the things that we do to succeed when it gets hard, but to be diligent through the difficult times is true strength! awesome

  16. Well first of all I would like to give my props to Hannah. I have watched this video many times and each time I find something new that inspires me. I most say my favorite parts are the ones that tell about impossible being impossibe/ non-exsistent and everyone telling us "no". I enjoyed them the most because I found them to be the most inspirational. They are statements that actually seem like challenges! Well done!

  17. This video is awesome. it really makes you think and reflect on what you believe in and how you want to of the several quotes that i liked said to succeed you need to find something to hold on to. in any sport or organization if you want to succeed you need to hold your teammates close and accountable. it was a very good video and i enjoyed it very much.

  18. this video is awesome hannah. it still gives me chills. one quote that stuck out to me is the last one about being told no, i feel that is something that i have been through and have seen others in the ame place we just have to stand up and say that we can do it and then do it

  19. You cannot achieve your goals if you are not inspired to do so. You have to be passionate about something. To be passionate about something you must have knowledge about it. Nice job Hannah!

  20. I think that this is a great clip. I like everything at the end when she says that everyone will say your too short, too small, not the right weight. People will tell you and and you will say yes. I think that was pretty sweet. Overall I liked it all. Very impressive hannah

  21. Thanks Hannah this movie is great!!!!!
    I Love All Of These Quotes!!
    First: "Live your life to the fullest and take pleasure along the way. Always strive for success, take chances and live your dreams." This is one thing that I aim to do in life have no regrets in the way you live your life so live it out and have fun doing it, reward yourself along the way and take every chance your given!
    Second: "Never let the fear of striking out get in your way." If you have fear that you won't be able to acomplish something you dont even try when who knows maybe you could be the best.

  22. I think this is a great movie with many great quotes. Its hard to define a leader and some of these quote do it just perfectly. Props to Hannah for an awesom video.

  23. That was awesome! you never lose until you quit trying. Very True. Every team needs those guys that help the starters get better. It is sad to see those guys quit. A leader is someone who makes others around them reach their potential. Great video! love it

  24. I thought this was a good movie.i like the quotes you have to expect things of yourself before you can do them, and you can become successful only if you are willing to walk over the edge

  25. this video was awesome! i think it is hard to be a leader but some of these quotes put it into perspective! the video was awesome :)

  26. This is an awesome video. It has a lot of inspiring quotes! I think you did a great job and I'm sure this took tons of patience!
